27 شهریور 1403
پادکست طرح پژوهشی با عنوان The effect of telenursing behavioral activation intervention on the symptoms of depression and anxiety in outpatients with mixed anxiety depressive disorder and referred to psychiatric clinics in Tehran
17 شهریور 1403
پادکست طرح پژوهشی با عنوان The efects of nurse‑led spiritual care on psychological well‑being in the healthcare services of patients with cardiovascular diseases in Iran: a systematic review
17 شهریور 1403
پادکست طرح پژوهشی با عنوان The effect of social skills-based blended education on social adjustment, self-esteem and social skills among new nursing students: An experimental study
17 شهریور 1403
پادکست طرح پژوهشی با عنوان Comparison of education using the flipped class, gamification and gamification in the flipped learning environment on the performance of nursing students in a client health assessment: a randomized clinical trial
پخش اطعام علوی و بسته معیشتی در مناطق محروم تهران
دیوار آزاد با موضوع انتخابات و انتظارات از رئیس جمهور آینده
حضور انجمن اسلامی 1348 در جشن غدیر
آزمون عملی نهایی گروه پرستاری1403
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